Tabgha Chalice
塔布加原本是加利利海西北部一條巴勒斯坦村落的名字,是相傳耶穌施行五餅二魚神蹟的地方。1948 年,就在第一次以阿戰爭爆發之前,這條村莊在「掃帚行動」中被摧毀,村民都被趕走。
目前座立在該處,曾於 2015 年被激進猶太分子縱火焚毀的五餅二魚堂,其中有部分更是五世紀的拜占庭教堂遺跡,當中還有五餅二魚的馬賽克。
Tabgha was the name of a Palestinian village that was situated on the north-western shore of the Sea of Galilee. The area is traditionally accepted as the place where Jesus performed his miracle multiplying the loaves and fish.
However, in 1948 just before the Israeli-Arab War, the village was destroyed and the Palestinian residents were expelled in “Operation Broom”. Currently the modern Church of Multiplication encloses excavations of a former Byzantine church which includes the mosaics of the loaves and fish. Sadly, in the summer of 2015 the church was damaged in an arson attack by Jewish extremists.
These lovely Tabgha crafts serve as a constant reminder of Jesus’ miracle. Also the mosaics of the loaves and fish are an emblem of solidarity for persecuted Christians in the Middle East.
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Justine Wong –
Great product, fast and smooth delivery, thank you so much!